Item #: SCP-1526

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1526 is to be utilized only by staff members with Level 2 security clearance or higher, and said staff members may only be assisted by D-Class personnel during the usage of SCP-1526.

Description: SCP-1526 is a garishly colored, large, square-headed warhammer with an accessory of a smiling face and an emblematic “Z” etched into the side. The colors of the hammer are bright primary colors, making the hammer appear as a child's toy. The hammer is close to 1 meter in length, and the head of the hammer is roughly 0.3m x 0.3m. Those who have picked up SCP-1526 have described it as being much lighter than it appears, and it is possible to wield SCP-1526 with a single hand, despite the length of its grip and the size of the hammer itself.

 When SCP-1526 is picked up by any human being, background noise such as electronics and ventilation systems are silenced through unknown means. A sound from an equally unknown source will then be heard within the room that SCP-1526 is located, filling the room with equal volume (if SCP-1526 is accessed out-of-doors, the effect has been measured as occurring  miles from the immediate location of SCP-1526 in all directions).The sound which replaces them is a low thumping sound in a rhythmic pattern described as “THUMP-rest-rest-THUMP-THUMP-rest-rest-rest” as if played by a collection of bass drums. After a few repetitions of this rhythmic pattern, a chorus of voices (again from an unknown source) will join in with the rhythm, singing a drawn-out refrain of the words “WARHAMMER OF ZILLYHOO”. (See Audio Log J-1526-E for an example of this phenomenon.)

During the initial rhythmic period, the person who picked up SCP-1526 and all individuals who can hear the rhythm will be stricken with a mental block and rendered unable to move. After the singing begins, those who can hear the music, except for the user, will experience a mental breakdown and begin sobbing, wailing, and/or weeping uncontrollably. Post-testing interviews with D-Class personnel who have been under this influence have consistently expressed an overwhelming sense of “beauty” from SCP-1526, and when pressed further on the nature of this beauty, have become yet again overwhelmed. This period of lamentation can last anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 days, with subjects refusing to eat or drink during that time, instead focusing all of their energy upon reveling in the “majesty of the Warhammer of Zillyhoo”. Perceiving SCP-1526 after it has been set down does not cause the same effect, and can be used to diminish the effect and duration of the mental breakdown. After the mental breakdown ends, those under its effects will return to perfectly healthy psychological status.

 SCP-1526 is extraordinarily light to the touch when picked up, but applies a much heavier force than its mass would suggest. It is capable of hurling masses much further than usual when swung, sending a full soda can  miles with a standard amount of force (similar to a batter's swing in a game of baseball).

 With this added force in mind, and the fact that the hammer prevents retaliatory aggression through its psychic influence in the music, SCP-1526 has been classified as a Euclid-class item in the event of a security breach.

Termination Log 682-48