Cross-SCP Termination Testing for SCP-1629

Due to the aggressive, intelligent, and dangerous nature of SCP-1629, termination testing has been ordered, with clearance from O5 Command.  No tissue tests are required prior to testing.

 Item: SCP-682

Tissue Test Record:


Termination Test Record:

SCP-682 introduced to containment unit of SCP-1629.  SCP-1629 backs away from SCP-682 while shouting expletives.  SCP-682 devours SCP-1629, who re-materializes.  This occurs three times before a nearby containment breach interrupts the test.

Notes: Mutual containment of the two objects is not recommended in the future, as SCP-1629 may cause further adaptation in SCP-682.  Also, it would be a waste of time and resources to make a second attempt.


Item: Water

Tissue Test Record:


Termination Test Record:

Unit of SCP-1629 is flooded completely.  After several minutes, SCP-1629 drowns and re-materializes.  This is only repeated once before the test is concluded.

Notes: SCP-1629 appears able to re-materialize anywhere there is room, even submerged in liquids.  This information is important for future tests.